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Feb 20, 2022, 10 tweets

Here's everything you may have missed while watching "Ye Jawani Hai Deewani".

In the opening credits where they are sending invitation baskets, one of the names is "Kabir Khan". In fact, it's the only other name card visible in the entire sequence besides "Kabir Thapar" (Ranbir Kapoor's character)

The photograph used for Aditi's yearbook is actually a photograph from Dev D.

The scholarship letter that Bunny receives has a logo on the bottom right. This is actually the Yale University logo.

However, later when Aditi reads the letter she reveals that he got admitted to North Western University which has a completely different logo.

In this shot, we can see Bunny reading Jack Kerouac's "On The Road" which is appropriate given Bunny's profession.

I am more worried for this guy who was probably plotting a Red Wedding style finale given the fact that he dozed off reading "A Feast For Crows" (Part of the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series)

No list is finished without a good cameo and here we have a classic director's cameo.

The chorus that we hear in "Ilahi" is sung by The Gleehive kids - a Mumbai-based choir.

However, it's not even their most famous song. In 2011, they were part of the song "If I Rise" a song that featured in the movie "127 hours" and was also nominated for the Oscars.…

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