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Judge me by the enemies I have made. ~ FDR

Feb 20, 2022, 51 tweets

The Conservative Baptist Network claims on their website to be a partnership of Southern Baptists where all generations are encouraged, equip & empowered to bring positive, biblical solutions that strengthen SBC in an effort to fulfill the Great Commission & influence culture.

Feb 2020 | Brad Jurkovich announced Conservative Baptist Network, a grassroots movement of Southern Baptists “concerned about the current direction & perceived future of the Convention.”…

Several Republican political figures are on the steering council, including former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee, former US Congressman Bob McEwen, and Family Research Council president Tony Perkins.…

They hold events called PASTOR PROPHET PATRIOT Freedom & Liberty

One held at Truett McConnell, a Christian college

"This dynamic event will encourage & equip Christians to engage culture and public policy with confidence & biblical conviction."…

Key Note speaker Tony Perkins.

Perkins was appointed to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom

By Mitch McConnell & recently reappointed.


Mike Pompeo is great pals with Tony Perkins & the Religious-Right who's eyes are dead set on destroying democracy & dismantling any progress the US has made.

Perkins was also associated with Chuck DeVore who was part of the plot to overturn the will of the people in the 2020 election.

You'll notice scrolling through the verbiage used by these affiliated religious organizations is quite reminiscent of language used to radicalize QAnon believers.

This is likely not a coincidence.

Brad Jurkovich and a little trail I followed that led to "Truth Network"

Liberty University's Standing for Freedom Center
Heritage Action
This damn LifeNewsHQ that I see constantly associated with the same people, but specifically Code of Vets.

Of course, Charlie Kirk, one of the most dangerous people in the country, is featured on this so-called "Truth" Network.

(More to come on this)

Here's Rod Martin, CNP member & original member PayPal Mafia w/Peter Thiel.

He says the org is "God's resource; human & financial to bring about an awakening"
He wants to see a conservative resurgence b/c of the decay destroying their "precious heritage"
"a NEW Great Awakening"

Jan 2012
Description of Martin is very important:

"Member of the Board of Governors, Council for National Policy #CNP, which NYTimes called the “club of the most powerful” a group of top conservative leaders in the nation.

Also worked for Mike Huckabee…

He and several colleagues from PayPal and Apple are involved in The Vanguard Project, which seeks to develop a state-of-the-art technology platform for driving and empowering large-scale conservative activism.…

Some familiar senior leadership team the Vanguard Project has...
Rod D. Martin
Sherri Ross Martin
Jerome R. Corsi
Kellyanne Conway
Cleta Mitchell

The Vanguard was launched in March 2006 as a challenge to .…

JUNE 20, 2007 | Masters of Their Domain

Silicon Valley conservatives are trying to build the right-wing MoveOn from the top down.…

Rod Martin has close ties to the Bradley Foundation

Additionally, he lives in Niceville Florida, not too far away from Rep Matt Gaetz, even looks to be business associates with the district's current Senator Neal Dunn.…

Rod Martin and the NSIC Institute which is run by another CNP member and election denier, Kevin Freeman of the Economic War Room

Rod Martin featured in the EWR's Battle Plan to overturn the election of Joe Biden.

Thiel hosted a dinner w/one of the most influential & vocal white nationalists in modern-day America — a man whos called for the creation of a white ethnostate & played a key role in to mainstream white nationalism as the “alt-right.”

“They trained this entire next generation of white nationalists,” Heimbach told @lukeobrien at HuffPost in 2016.…

“I don’t think that Trump set out to inspire the alt-right, but we’ve been thrown into the same boat by our shared enemies, so he’s become an alt-right god,” Richard Spencer told me. “If you wear a Trump hat in many places, you might as well be wearing a swastika.” @lukeobrien

As an undergraduate, Spencer staged avant-garde plays & had a life-changing experience reading Nietzsche.

In 2005, he began a doctoral program in European intellectual history at Duke. He was devouring the writing of racist intellectuals.

*Detour--historical context*

Revivalists traveled towns & cities in the US & Great Britain, organizing revival meetings. Invited by pastors who wanted to reinvigorate churches.

1857–58 “prayer meeting revival” swept cities following a financial panic.…

Remember 2016's college campus culture wars?

(*A more robust #noplatforming will be a crucial tool as we move forward.*)

Now I want to look at Peter Thiel's potential of being the silent leader of the so-called Patriot Caucus.

@NafeezAhmed of @BylineTimes found that Thiel & a "Theil Network" are using 'free speech' to normalize white nationalism on UK Campuses

This UK-based ‘Thiel network’ first began to come together in 2017 – a year after Trump took office – with Thiel’s top chief of staff attending regular meetings and ongoing discussions with a small group of Christian theologians at Cambridge University’s Faculty of Divinity.

Darkest & little-known aspects – Peterson's admiration for a book described in Scientific American as “the flagship modern work reporting on racial differences in IQ score”.…

Aug 2016
Chuck Johnson explained he was interested in so-called “race realism” at a young age. At 16 he had already read the pseudoscientific book The Bell Curve, which posits that blacks are intellectually inferior to whites.…

Described as an “alt-right darling”, Peterson has been widely criticized for claiming that gender & class hierarchies are a function of the natural order, despite having little meaningful expertise in these areas. He became an icon among far-right fans.

Peterson’s return wasnt a victory for ‘free speech’. Instead, the culmination of a concerted effort by “the Thiel network” to use free speech as a cover to wage #war on the perceived liberal threat to theological beliefs & normalize pseudoscientific theories of scientific racism.

2018, in discussion w/Douglas Murray – accused of promoting far-right conspiracy theories like the baseless ‘Great Replacement’ – Peterson once again approvingly referred to Charles Murray’s The Bell Curve.

Hosting of both Charles Murray & Jordan Peterson by Cambridge Univ academics is the culmination of an ongoing campaign to normalize anti-liberal ideas driven by individuals closely linked to Peter Thiel.

Early meetings of the “Thiel network” first occurred around 2016 and 2017.

Peterson reached out to Thiel. Blake Masters, COO Thiel Capital, replied enthusiastically to arrange a meeting.
Peterson met Thiel & engaged w/members of his team. They discussed an “unspecified future venture”.

This reminds me of when I was asking if In-Q-tel // Palantir looked QAnon-ish.
2019-Michael Kratsios, Thiel’s former chief of staff, was appointed chief technology officer for the WH, where he served as Trump’s top tech advisor.

Another unexplained link to QAnon's network that hasn't been discussed.
Ingersoll Lockwood Inc & Gary Miliefsky, chairman of the Cyber Defense Media Group

Thiel had allegedly met secretly w/influential leaders in the US white nationalist movement – including Kevin DeAnna, the main ideological architect of the alt-right.

“He’s fully enlightened, plays it very carefully,” another far-right blogger wrote about Thiel to Yiannopoulos.

This activity appeared to follow shortly after Palantir’s alleged involvement in Cambridge Analytica, whereby employees from the firm helped it to engineer psychographic models used to build profiles of American and British voters.

“They believed transgender issues proved liberal agenda was going too far & their right to refuse it w/their own theological positions was under threat.”

An increasing hostility toward liberalism became a focal point that made the group vulnerable to a gradual radicalization.

Recruitment efforts did not stop at staff in Cambridge & other universities. It extended to students, w/academics starting to recruit interns to work for Peter Thiel.

“This was a deliberate & systematic effort to recruit people into the group & mold them in a certain direction”

It is, therefore, no surprise that apart from attempting to recruit staff and students into the worldview of the “Thiel network”, one academic claims that the group actively sought to influence Government policy.

The social connections of key Quillette contributors to the “Thiel network” around Cambridge University points to an alignment of interests & ideology illuminating the extent to which several Quillette writers & editors operate within Peter Thiel’s sphere of influence.

Standing in between them is Rob Henderson, who co-hosted Charles Murray in November at the Trinity Forum Europe event, and who is also a regular contributor to Quillette.

Henderson is now a ‘Foundation Faculty Fellow’ at a new anti-woke ‘free speech’ college linked to Peter Thiel – ‘University of Austin’ – launched earlier this year, where he is “actively participating” in its “curricular & institutional planning & design”.…

Members of this network characterize themselves as politically neutral, focused on defending free speech & promoting opposing views.

But the links between this network and Peter Thiel appears to show that it is far from being non-partisan.

The parallels between Peter Thiel’s campaigning in the US and UK are revealing: Thiel’s chief of staff was involved in building up the UK ‘free speech’ network exactly while Thiel himself was ingratiating himself with the Trump administration and its white nationalist supporters.

It appears to be the brainchild of a transatlantic network of academics & journalists linked to Thiel.

It raises disturbing questions about how the ‘free speech’ mantra can be cynically exploited by political lobbyists w/white nationalist sympathies.

Far from wanting real free speech, their hope is to silence liberal speech that questions the entrenched hierarchies with which their most cherished interests and beliefs are entwined.

Fun fact: Peter Thiel was a supporter & donor of Ivan Raiklin when he failed to make the ballot in his Virginia race.
H/t @clayberg September 02 2018

US version: Patriot Caucus @EverettStern1…

OCT 31 2021 @Salon

How extremist Christian theology is driving the right-wing assault on democracy

The Texas abortion law is one step toward the true goal of Christian dominionism: Destroying democratic government…

Dominionism is the theocratic idea that regardless of theological view, means, or timetable, Christians are called by God to exercise dominion over every aspect of society by taking control of political and cultural institutions.

Connection to the doctrine of the lesser magistrate is clear: Power comes from God not the people. Whatever the people want is irrelevant. Whatever laws they pass are irrelevant if they go against God.

"Tyranny" is whatever the Christian reconstructionist decides he doesnt like.

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