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Host Silk & Steel Podcast on China, history, culture, politics @SteelSilkn, wife:@BaliEarthSoul

Feb 21, 2022, 6 tweets

50 years ago today, Nixon arrived in China, beginning a new chapter in US-China relations

Today US ruling elite have decided to close that chapter for good and turn back the clock. They might not like results

At the time of Nixon’s visit, China was still in the grips of tumultuous Cultural Revolution.

China was 1 of poorest country in East Asia, w GPD per capita behind India and Indonesia.

Since Sino-Soviet split in 1960s, China squared off agst both superpowers USSR and US. Mao and Zhou understood China must break out of diplomatic isolation. US sought to play China card agst USSR. Common interests brought 2 sides together in Nixon’s historic visit

Biggest difference btw two sides is over status of Taiwan. In Shanghai Communique, US acknowledged “One China Principle” that there’s only 1 sovereign state under name of China and Taiwan is part of China (also position of KMT gov on Taiwan). This became known as One China Policy

Shanghai Communique signed, the 1st diplomatic document btw US and the People’s Republic of China. It’s the cornerstone of US-China relations

It’s intended to pave way for full normalization of ties. However, Watergate scandal later that year put the US-China ties on backburner

1 consequence of Nixon visit was cession of CIA support to Tibetan rebels based in Mustang, Nepal.

My Mom was sent to Tibetan region in 1968 fresh out of nursing school. There were still skirmishes w PLA til 1972. She witnessed Tibetan rebels coming down the hills to surrender

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