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Feb 22, 2022, 16 tweets

Jinmin au where jimin is having peak delulu behavior… or is he?

#jinmin #jinminau

2. us everyday

3. same jimin same

4. lunch?

5. lmao

6. i want a lab too tbh this is just me projecting

7. now wtf is this kim seokjin?

8. i too would be on my knees for him

9. namjin ??

10. meanwhile jin? this is y’all saying “comeback hint” btw

11. “not u 😭😭😭”

12. anyway jinmin <3

13. tae is an opportunist and we respect that

14. idk i love vhope (vope??)

15. i want what they have too :(

that’s it i just miss jinmin and we need more jinmin aus 😭


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