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I help Americans protect their children’s innocence & freedoms | Co-Founder @couragehabit | 🛍️ | Courage After Dark

Feb 22, 2022, 13 tweets

Elena Aguilar’s book Coaching for Equity describes (what she says) is a real life scenario she encountered with a white teacher in her first year of teaching. She describes how she begins coaching the teacher to transform for equity. Apparently, the teacher was struggling (as

many first year teachers do), but Elena explains it’s due to her racism. The explanation of how she coaches the teacher to see her own role in white supremacy is EXACTLY what SEL will do to white children. First, get them to understand their own identity & role in systemic

racism/oppression, next you get them to make decisions based on their role, and finally make them agents for change and social justice (equity). They are focused heavily on adult SEL right now because they must get adults to push the indoctrination onto the children. #ExpelSEL

This book is widely used in Universities & professional development for teachers, counselors & administrators. SEL is a brainwashing program used by our government. @DefendingEd @maxeden99 @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU @ConceptualJames @realchrisrufo @AsraNomani @DunedainRanger9 @esanzi

This is also why SEL touts a growth mindset.

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