r/Coronavirus_BC Profile picture
Fraser Health Physician. Speaking freely & here to help. Founder of subreddit r/Coronavirus_BC. u/sereniti81. Vancouver 🇨🇦 greaterfoolvan@med-mastodon.com

Feb 23, 2022, 5 tweets

% Positivity by Vaccine Status & Health Authority up to Feb 6 (MSP public funded tests)
VCH #Covid19BC

% Positivity by Vaccine Status & Health Authority up to Feb 6 (MSP public funded tests)
Fraser Health #Covid19BC

% Positivity by Vaccine Status & Health Authority up to Feb 6 (MSP public funded tests)
Interior Health #Covid19BC

% Positivity by Vaccine Status & Health Authority up to Feb 6 (MSP public funded tests)
Island Health #Covid19BC

Northern Health

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