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Feb 23, 2022, 15 tweets

1. A thread of online leftists getting mad at Bernie Sanders for condemning Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.

2/Bernie literally and repeatedly said he wanted the U.S. to be like Denmark, which is a social democracy. Where was this "mask"?

(Also being a social democrat is good, obviously)

3/Remember, a very large fraction of this "ideology" is just dumb-butt anti-Americanism.

4/A lot of these are accounts I'd suspect of being written by Russia, but I just imagine Russians would be better writers.

5/"I'm a real person", says the bio

6/Once again, remember that no politician or important public figure in the U.S. is even *suggesting* a war with Russia over Ukraine.

7/I think this one's actually a right-winger

8/These people have created their own fantasy extended universe and moved there.

9/Bernie is Biden's "henchman", apparently.

10/Trump, the socialist king...

11/Yes, I'm sure Bernie goes to bed at night dreaming of all the wars he could start

12/There's always a "But what about student loans?" comment. Always. Law of the Universe.

13/This one's fantasizing about executing Bernie:

14/Imagine if these people ever won even the smallest amount of political power in America.

15/Anyway, getting bored and gotta go work. But you get the picture! A substantial fraction of the online Left is exposing themselves as total ghouls. Powerless, ghouls, yes -- when you've lost Bernie, you'll never wield an ounce of power. But ghouls, nonetheless.

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