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Feb 23, 2022, 5 tweets

Taking a cue from demonstrations that paralyzed Canada's capital city, Ottawa, for weeks, U.S. truckers plan to embark on a 2,500-mile cross-country drive toward Washington, D.C., to protest COVID-19 restrictions 1/5

Organizers of the 'People's Convoy' say they want to 'jumpstart the economy' and reopen the country. Their 11-day trek will approach the Beltway around the U.S. capital on March 5 'but will not be going into D.C. proper,' according to a statement 2/5

The Pentagon said it had approved 400 National Guard troops from the District of Columbia, who would not carry weapons, to help at traffic posts from Saturday through March 7 3/5

About 50 large tactical vehicles were also approved to be placed at traffic posts. In addition, up to 300 National Guard troops from outside of Washington were approved to come to the city to assist at traffic posts if needed 4/5

Brian Brase, a truck driver who is one of the organizers, said that regardless of where the trucks stop, 'we're not going anywhere' until the group's demands are met. Those demands include an end to COVID-19 vaccine and mask requirements 5/5

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