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Grassroot campaign.The authentic voice of those in care #CareSupporter #GloriasLaw #RightsForResidents FB: https://t.co/tSUgJJMEoA

Feb 24, 2022, 7 tweets

freedom for all - except care homes - here are some of the “freedoms” still in place this morning - will there be a change in guidance? rolling lockdowns continue @GillianKeegan @sajidjavid and are you really going to bring in a “pay per view” really? #rfr

As mask wearing goes - full PPE remains - right or wrong? But why such a difference from seeing family in different homes - a home setting nothing a (care) home setting - mask, gloves and aprons still required #rfr

We still need to be tested - makes sense, for now, but are we now going to be charged a “pay per view” tax to see our loved ones? Most homes let families test at home now so - will we have to pay? @GillianKeegan #rightsforresidents

Isolation periods removed for all - except in care homes that is. Why is that? @sajidjavid @GillianKeegan #rightsforresidents

The rolling lockdown - 14 days after 14 days - after 14 days - after….. you get the picture - there is no freedom, no unlimited visiting - just closed doors @GillianKeegan #rightsforresidents

And during an outbreak, whilst those who have been able to get #essentialcaregiver status, in theory, can visit anyone else, if lucky can view through a screen or a pod or a Window - horrific #rightsforresidents

Infection control is what care homes have done for years. Will we ever see the day we return to: arrive, good morning, stroll on through, enjoy a chat in the Lounge, have lunch, May be go out; or will we be under guidance forever & if it is removed, will care groups follow #rfr

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