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moscow bureau chief @FT. in soviet russia, news reports you:

Feb 24, 2022, 9 tweets

It’s too early to say what the Russian people make of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, but he’s already lost a few celebrities. Most of these guys rely heavily on the state for their living.

A short thread.

Ivan Urgant, Russia’s equivalent of Steven Colbert (who was once on his show): “Fear and pain. NO to war.”

Maxim Galkin, singer and husband of Alla Pugacheva, Russia’s biggest celebrity:

“I’ve been talking to friends and relatives from Ukraine since early morning! I can’t find the words to say what I feel! How can this be possible! There can be no justification for war! No to war!”

Pop star Svetlana Loboda: “My heart is broken. I’ve been in touch with my loved ones since 5am. How is this possible? Lord, stop all this! I’m just crying.”

Figure skater Evgenia Medvedeva: “I hope this all ends as soon as possible, like a bad dream.”

Pop star Valery Meladze: “Today something happened that could and should never have happened. History will judge everything one day. Now I want to beg you to stop military action and sit down to negotiate.”

None of them are protesting or mentioning Putin by name. But even stuff like this can get you banned from state TV for life.

This was compiled on the excellent @bbcrussian live blog by the brilliant @lizafokht, who you should all be following (and not just because we’re married)…

@bbcrussian @lizafokht A case in point on the risks of speaking out against the war in Russia, especially if you work in the almost wholly state-run culture industry

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