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Democracy Dies in Darkness

Feb 24, 2022, 12 tweets

Amid reports of mounting casualties in Ukraine, NATO says, ‘Peace on our continent has been shattered.’ Follow our live coverage.…

Main roads out of Kyiv were blocked with heavy traffic Thursday as people attempted to flee.

Others tried to obtain bus and rail tickets at the train station — some to destinations they were not familiar with — as they desperately sought safety.

Lines formed at border crossings from Ukraine to Poland on Thursday as Ukrainians sought safety.

Officials in Warsaw said authorities are preparing for as many as 1 million Ukrainians fleeing into Poland. Ukrainians can cross the border without a visa.

In maps, videos and photos, here's how Russia’s attack on Ukraine is unfolding on the ground.…

As the sun rose over Ukraine Thursday, residents got in their cars and fled to train stations.

From Kyiv to Kharkiv, Washington Post photographers captured the scenes as Ukrainians faced the new realities of Russia’s attacks across the country.

As sirens rang out amid Russia’s attack on Ukrainian cities Thursday, scores were forced to flee their homes.

Some clutched their beloved pets — the cats and dogs they simply could not leave behind amid the barrage of attacks coming from Russia.

“Wake up, the war has started.”

In the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, morning light on Feb. 24 brought residents to gas stations to fill up after Russian forces launched military actions overnight.

Residents of Ukraine were stuck at Kyiv-Pasazhyrskyi Central Railway Station on Feb. 24, as Russia began its attack.

“Because we can't find a way to go back, we are standing here not knowing what to do.”

Russian troops have attacked Ukrainian airports, warehouses and hospitals, killing at least 40 Ukrainian service members and dozens of civilians since Russia’s assault began early Thursday, Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States Oksana Markarova said.…

Here is a map of the locations of attacks and strikes by Russian troops, as of 10:30am EST.

The Russian strikes have been geographically widespread, hitting from Luhansk to Lviv, according to the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

President Biden delivers remarks following a meeting with Group of Seven members regarding the ongoing Russian assault on Ukraine.

“Today, I’m authorizing additional strong sanctions and new limitations on what can be exported to Russia.”

President Biden said Russia’s aggression against Ukraine “cannot go unanswered,” adding that if it did, “the consequences for America would be much worse.”

“America stands up to bullies, we stand up for freedom,” Biden said. “This is who we are.”

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