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Director, Combating Kleptocracy Program @hrf | Order my book, FOREIGN AGENTS (Kirkus and Publisher’s Weekly starred review), here:

Feb 24, 2022, 7 tweets

Scenes from the pro-Ukrainian protest in London right now, outside Whitehall—many of the signs highlighting the UK’s role in protecting dirty Russian money:

One sign listing all of the key Russian oligarchs the UK is yet to sanction: Deripaska, Usmanov, Abramovich, and more.

“Support Ukraine: target Russia’s oligarchs. Seize their UK-based assets today!”

“Math lesson for Boris:

Ukrainian Lives > Russian Money


One sign from @ANTAC_ua highlighting Russian oligarch money in the U.K. and #BlockPutinWallets:

Flags of all sorts: Ukrainian, Belarusian, Georgian, EU, UK—and a sign that says “We’re Russians. We’re ashamed. We don’t support it.”

Some of the more memorably vulgar signs at today’s pro-Ukraine protest in London:

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