The Science Of Trans Sports Profile picture
World & 🇦🇺 champion athlete. A published researcher & educator in ideas of diversity, inclusivity & accessibility in sports.

Feb 24, 2022, 11 tweets

12 year old Wazza

On the surface, I appeared to be the epitome of masculinity. I beat up boys in the boxing ring and was a force on the field. As an adult, I became a prison officer. It was all part of the shield.…

“The day I was born, my father crashed the car because he was so excited to have Warren Jr.,” Miller said. “I cannot underestimate the expectations that my dad placed upon my shoulders to be his little man. And how I coped, I manned up in a big way and tried to make it go away.”

One time, my father ❤️literally put me on his shoulders, and it’s a memory that haunted me for decades. One night, when I was three or four years old, my dad was having a big party at their home.

As a joke, he put me in a dress, & hoisted me above his head for all of the guests to see. Though I didn’t know I was transgender for many years, she always felt something was different about myself. The scarring experience prevented me from looking inward for a long time.

I thought to myself, if I ever come out as who I am, I’m going to be laughed at,” she said. “So that incident turned into a 30 year recurring nightmare, every single day of my life.

At the start of the new millennium, I began my new journey as an out transgender woman. It was a big deal among my fellow prison guards. Prison officers aren’t exactly known for their warm and cuddly feelings.

Neither was I…

I want every transgender person to feel what I am feeling. That’s why I am aghast at efforts to exclude trans people from any facet of life, including sports.
I definitely didn’t transition to win medals,” she said. I transitioned to survive. I wouldn’t be here now.

Now I am here as my true self, I am making the most of my time, @ I want to share my story with as many people as possible.
I don't want any transgender person to feel alone.

I see being trans as being a bit of a superpower, I’m lucky to be who I am and I want every child that’s growing up trans now, might be thinking what’s the future going to be like? It’s going to be all right❤️❤️

I am human, I am love
And my heart beats in my blood
Love will always win
Underneath the skin
Everybody's got a pulse❤️

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