Kurt Phillips🧛‍♂️ Profile picture
Founder of ARC and board member @antihateca https://t.co/pjGWDywuYE Swag: https://t.co/2fuNot0ieF Socials: @arccollective.bsky.social

Feb 24, 2022, 30 tweets

1. Day 26.

Yesterday's thread below.

2. Because the world has gone mad and most attention is being paid to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, there probably won't be may updates in this thread. In fact as a lot of right-wing extremists have turned their attention to supporting Putin I'll probably soon focus on that.

3. However, in the meantime, we see a fascinating response to the end of the Emergency Act.

The supporters of the #OttawaOccupation appear to believe that they won?

4. For example, Steven Lane of the Urban Infidels who looks to have spent much of the month in what appears to have been a state of chemically induced delirium states he is "just getting started" which makes as much sense as you would imagine.

5. Anti-immigration/anti-Muslim conspiracy promoter Brad Salzburg claims that the Prime Minister was told to roll it back by the banks. Some believe the senate was going to kybosh it while others continue to invoke the World Economic Forum (WEF) boogeyman.

6. One Calgary Yellow Vester's post resulted in a number of comments which proves that Canadian social studies curriculum need to do a much better job in teaching civics and how government actually works.

7. Like, they really have no idea.

8. Finally, Chris Saccoccia (aka Chris Sky) suggests that the Senate about to nix the Emergencies Act and that Trudeau was trying to save face.

9. Given what I was watching on CPAC and given that the Senate is dominated by appointments made by the Prime Minister (independent though they might be), this claim seems divorced from reality.

10. But then Mr. Teeth is desperate to maintain his importance.

11. OH! Istanbul you say?

12. The reality is likely much closer to this summary.

13. Now, staying with Saccoccia (aka Chris Sky) and his desire for clout for a moment longer, he also made an outlandish claim last night that was immediately and easily debunked.

14. Yeah, no. No Tamara Lich was not found dead in her cell.

16. While not suggesting she has been murdered, other supporters of the #OttawaOccupation and the blockades are claiming that Lich and the others still in custody (Pat King and I presume George Billings) are political prisoners.

17. And no.

No, denying someone bail isn't torture.

18. Someone posting on Pat King's Telegram page (which more and more I'm suspecting MAY not be legitimate) writes the most important thing now is to get all political prisoners out of jail.

None of these people are political prisoners.

19. Now that being said, I do recognize some disparity in treatment. While Lich (who might have been the most moderate of the bunch and THAT is really a damning indictment because she isn't a moderate) languishes in jail, other leaders are free.

20. BJ Dichter. Daniel Bulford. Tom Marazzo. Tom Quiggin.

None of them are in jail and they were all equally as culpable as Ms. Lich.

21. Chris Barber was arrested, however he WAS able to post bail.

Be also seems to be violating the terms of his bail release with some impunity if my reading of the conditions is correct.

22. So, why the disparity?

23. A reminder that the @cbcfifth documentary on the #OttawaOccupation and blockades is tonight at 9:00 pm est (7:00 pm mst).


24. So some of the totally normal and completely not bat fucking crazy posts found in the Global Freedom Convoy chat.

25. Well this is an interesting video.

26. I'm getting better at this.

Wordle 250 3/6


27. So I may have erred. It looks like the @cbcfifth documentary is on at 9:00 pm mst, not 7:00.

However, there is an episode of "Coronation Street" that you could watch before hand if you'd like. :)

28. Well, I didn't suck.

That's a good thing.

29. My mother keeps my humble.

30. New night. New mug.

And yes I KNOW it isn’t a mug!

One of my best friends Greg got me some crystal port glasses for my 40th. The drink is a dessert wine made by my dad.

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