Eliot Higgins Profile picture
Founder and creative director of @Bellingcat and director of Bellingcat Productions BV. Author of We Are Bellingcat. Tonal Whiplash Zone.

Feb 25, 2022, 7 tweets

These remains of rocket motors from BM-30 multiple rocket launcher rockets have been documented in various civilian areas, and considering these are usually associated with cluster munition use it raises concerns of cluster munitions being used by Russia in civilian areas.

What would be particularly significant is the documentation of the part of the rocket that holds the cluster munitions, as seen below.

We'd also be looking for unexploded submunitions. It should be stressed that these should not be moved or touched if encountered, as they can still explode.

This video appears to show the cluster submunition container from one of these rockets landed on the ground. Any additional photos or videos would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks to @sadele2 for reminding me of these useful images created by @MarkHiznay for identifying the two different types of cluster rockets used by Russian armed forces, and the common submunition used with them.

I'd also note that the BM-30 has been used in Ukraine and Syria, so even images from Ukraine need to be checked to see if they're recent, and not just old images.

A higher resolution video of the video I posted earlier showing a cluster munition container from a BM-30 launched rocket ruining a road in Ukraine. The impact point is exactly 50.546169, 30.205566 in Bucha, several kms northwest of Kyiv. Source - facebook.com/pantera.kira

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