Michael Ruocco Profile picture
Annie-Nominated Animator/Storyboarder/Oblivious Bon Vivant. Looney Tunes Cartoons, Cuphead Show, BoJack, etc. ***Looking for Work***

Feb 26, 2022, 5 tweets

I guess its about time I shared some "Cat Burglar" panels. For most of our assigned sequences, we kept our boards super rough knowing that we'd have a team of amazing revisionists/designers to flesh things out later, but early on I had some time to go "overboard" on my tiedowns.

It was fun drawing Rowdy & Peanut. Designer extraordinaire @3optic designed the characters for the project, and he has a knack for capturing the solid but off-kilter wonkiness of the golden age Tex Avery style, and I tried to channel Carey's approach as much as I could in boards

And of course, it can't be an homage to Tex without some wild takes. I didn't get to do too many, but I tried to find as many opportunities to do so as I could when the sequence called for it, as well as tried to not copy any classic ones verbatim.

It was pretty easy getting into the Tex mindset when I came on. Having 5-ish years of experience with Looney Tunes beforehand certainly helped, and it continued to do so when I went onto Cuphead right after. Still, I don't wanna be forever typecast as the "classic cartoon" guy.

For the most part, my boards looked like this: scribbly, rough, blue, but more-or-less clear in expression and staging. I hope it wasn't too much work for the revisionist team to go over later. Either way, they did a fantastic job seeing our boards through to final!

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