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Feb 26, 2022, 8 tweets

Just saw videos and reports of Indians fleeing Ukraine being stopped at Poland’s border because India didn’t support Ukraine in UN

See these Gujarati students narrating clearly their experience of trying to cross border into Poland.

They’re instructed to remain where they are because India didn’t support Ukraine.

Another Gujarati named Pratik Patel (from Gujarat) says he and a group of Indians (with a pregnant woman) are stuck 30 kms away from border walking.

He says Indian Embassy numbers aren’t working, GOI asks them to reach various spots but they can’t and no help from GOI on ground

All those asking for translation of what the students say, here it is

This Indian student stuck in Ukraine says the Indian government’s helpline number people keep rejecting their calls and don’t talk/help.
She says they’re expected to reach borders 800 kms away from where GOI will help them.
How to travel that distance in war zone?
GOI not helping

This student from Lucknow, UP posted this video from Kyiv, Ukraine saying her fellow students trying to reach Romania border by road were fired upon by Russian army and girls were abducted by them.
She appeals to Modi/Yogi or anyone concerned for help

Yet another #indianstudentsinukraine describing reality of Indian government’s claims

Yet another student posted this desperately seeking help busting claims made by Indian Government.
I’ll keep adding videos here in a single thread to keep it organised for all to check out.
See this too #indianstudentsinUkraine

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