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Books include The Crisis of Theory, The Stolen Island, & Ghost South Road. 'Atenisian. Islands open the door to strangeness.

Feb 27, 2022, 7 tweets

1/6 Vladimir Putin losing battles in Ukraine & friends around the world, but he still has at least one admirer in NZ. In a column for the Daily Blog Chris Trotter has saluted Russia's dictator & his invasion of Ukraine. Trotter calls anti-Russian fighters 'slavering curs'.

2/6 Trotter's column features a history lesson that might have come straight from Putin. He salutes the USSR, saying its breakup & the departure of Russian troops from former Eastern bloc states were a 'catastrophe'.

3/6 Trotter blames the 'cut throat nations' of the Baltic, Poland, & the Ukraine for the genocide of the Jews during WW2, & says the West should have been grateful that Stalin took over these 'bloodlands' after the war.

4/6 Trotter claims that Russia is invading the Ukraine to avoid becoming a 'vassal state' of the United States. 'The Ukraine and Russia are one' he proclaims, & can never be separated. Ukrainians seem to disagree, but this seems not to matter to Trotter.

5/6 Trotter's piece features a bizarre aside in which he praises another dictator, Yugoslavia's Tito, who supposedly built a 'remarkably successful society' after World War Two. Trotter blames Austria & Germany for starting the breakup & wars in the former Yugoslavia.

6/6 Trotter was once a fine political commentator, but his attacks on Urewera activists, praise for NZ's colonial wars, & cheerleading for Bush's War of Terror have lost him a lot of friends over the years. His new column suggests he has finally hit rock bottom.

Here's the column itself:… A sad document.

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