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Feb 27, 2022, 57 tweets


A thread to show how Chinese gov & nationalists support Russia’s invasion in Ukraine via
diplomats actions
financial/tech support
dis/mis-info propaganda
and online trolling

It will reveal a lot hate speech from China‘s internet under CCP’s info manipulation.

2. After the invasion started,24th Feb China lifted restrictions on Russia wheat and expands market.


3. On 26th Feb, News in China reports that Tech Giant #Huawei is planing to help Russia to train 50,000 tech experts immediately in response after Russia is under cyber-attacked.

4. The disgusting message of “taking Ukraine beauty from 14-26 to China” went viral in China’s social media after Ukraine invaded by Russia.

coverage from Nikkei Asia


5. China rejects callinb Russia‘s move as ’invasion‘

6. China amplified Russia‘s war propaganda with national news Channel CCTV.
The screenshot shows CCTV spreaded Russia’s disinfo about Ukraine president has escaped from Kyiv on 25th Feb

7. Chinese Steam users review-bomb Game “This War of Mine” for supporting Ukraine

8. On webo(China’s tweet)its messively common that Chinese nationalists are opening encouraging massacre on Ukraine civilians,
praising Putin as a strong man
and act as apologists for Russia‘s invasion via blaming NATO.

9. Chinese trolls on Twitter intentionally spreads fake sig.

it mislead netizens who dont understand the language and trick them to share pro- Putin message.

10. Tiktok‘s Chinese version Douyin allowing extreme hate speech against Ukraine going viral in China.

11. Some Gamers like User “careful409” from China customized the skin of tank with “Z” as the Russia invaders on Ukraine to “celebrate” the war.

12. China's major tech co,weibo‘s owner, Sina also posted fake news amplifying Russia propaganda.

Sina Military published an article saying that the 13 defenders of Snake Island in Ukraine surrendered, and posted a video.
But in reality they died as heros to defend Ukraine.

13. Chinese APP #WeChat actively collaborate with CCP‘s pro Russia@narrative

it immediately censored an important pro-Ukraine open letter from Chinese professors of several major universities.

Before VS After

14. Google trans for the pro-Ukraine open letter censored by Wechat

15. According to China‘s national news “People 人民网”,
Chinese international students in Ukraine is accusing some Ukraine media as fake news
cus they reports that China is supporting Russin's invasion in Ukraine


16. Hong Kong pro-CCP propaganda Wen Wei Po claimed that the invasion is to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine according to Putin's speech, and pointed out that "neo-Nazis" in Ukraine have participated in 2019 Hong Kong protests.

17. A Chinese in Ukraine calls nationalists back home stop joking around War & celebrating Russian‘s invasion.
He is worried Chinese in Ukraine will b discriminated & pushed out from shelters.
Chinese there would rather call them as Japanese for safety.

18. CGTN is most toxic China propaganda. Its China RT currently serving Putin.
It exploits Chinese students tragedy in Ukraine.
But in the meantime firmly stand with Russia via blame West and spreading Russia propaganda.
It does not even acknowledge war as invasion but “conflict”

19. A brave Chinese did a one person protest against Russia in public and got arrested in China soon.

If Chinese government really support peace in Ukraine,why is it preventing people from rally for Peace ?

20. looks like Russia invaders in Ukraine are armed by Chinese communication gear.

the brand is “Baofeng 暴风”

21. Cant be more clear than this!
China is supporting Putin 100%

22. China’s Yuan based system is likely becoming Putin‘s new lifeline after West's SWIFT BAN ?


23. A viral video from China is advocating people to not share compassion with war victims in Ukraine but support Russia.

The influencer has more than 12millions followers from 抖音Douyin(tiktok‘s Chinese mother company)and 快手 Kuaishou

24. Foreign minster spokesman Wang Wenbin repeated that #Beijing is against sanctions and #China will continue normal trade and business with #Russia.

no mention of the word “invasion.”

from @Katmyu ‘s report

25. Influencers in China are spreading a new conspiracy that America is worried that the “liberation” of Ukraine by Putin will expose Washington‘s crazy bio weapon labs in Ukraine…

This sounds like a “covid blame game 2.0”

26. This letter from Ukraine Consulate in Shanghai reveals Chinese police are calling and harassing Ukrainians in china for their opinions and public (online) comments on Russia‘s invasion.

(Need to be verified)

27. Chinese nationalists who works in a bank posted a Weibo(Chinese Twitter)to claim she refused all SWIFT money transfer/donation to Ukraine from Shanghai during her work today.

She said Ukraine is a dog of USA and no way she will allow people to donate to the US dog.

28. More hateful speech against Ukraine merging on China‘s major website like Weibo & BiliBili(China’s YouTube)
Some nationalists r cheering Russia‘s indiscriminating bombing
Some even call nuclear bombing Ukraine.
No regulating on hate speech from China.
Just disgusting.

29. Weibo (China's Twitter) suspended account of Jin Xing - Chinese trans dancer 🏳️‍🌈 with over 13 million followers -
after she posted critical comments on #Putin & Russian invasion of #Ukraine . "Express your personal point of view, respect every life, continue to oppose war"

30. #Breaking The Canadian embassy ‘s banners for supporting Ukraine were vandalized by Chinese nationalists in Beijing.
The suspect‘s name is 戎震 Rong Zhen a film director with 57k followers on weibo.

He showes off his despicable action on weibo.

31. Chinese nationalists also park car with “Z” pattern of Russian invaders in front the mural supporting Ukraine outside of the Canadian embassy.

32. JD 京东 China‘s 2nd largest Shopping has a Russia embassy authorized Shop for Russian products.
Afrer Putin’s Ukraine invasion,the follower of the Russia Shop has grown to 1million and all its products are sold out
China is Putin’s breast now.

PS Wal-mart has 12% JD‘s share

China is massively brainwashing its kids to justify Russia‘s invasion in Schools.
Teacher askes “whose soliders are u?Kids reply:I am ur soilder.
This type of “education” video is flooding on China’s internet…

34. no word need

36. China asked Russia to delay Ukraine invasion until after Olympics -NYT nytimes.com/2022/03/02/us/…

37. Over three months, Americans presented Chinese officials with intelligence on Russia’s troop buildup in hopes that President Xi Jinping would step in, but were repeatedly rebuffed.


China‘s CGTV and other’s National media continue Russia’s propaganda after most of them banned in the West now

40. China Considers Buying Stakes in Russian Energy, Commodity Firms

Beijing’s talking with state-owned firms on opportunities

Any deal is to bolster energy, commodity imports: sources


41. This is how China make peace — by whitesahsing invaders.

China blames NATO for pushing Russia-Ukraine tension to 'breaking point' channelnewsasia.com/asia/china-bla…

42. China officially oppose sanction on Russia again

43. excellent thread on how this formal PLA Chinese journalist report from Russia military‘s perspective

44. Chinese man cosplaying Chechnya soldiers for supporting Russian‘s brutal invasion in Ukraine is trending in china.

Just appauling

credit @TGTM_Official ‘s research and translation

45. Russia askes China for military aid on Ukraine invasion



47. Veterans from Chinese army wants to join Russia invasion’s in Ukraine.
This is the letters they write to the local government for getting permission to join the war.

So stop saying China is neutral.
Xi's driving China full speed against free world with Putin.

48. Google: Chinese state hackers target Ukraine’s government



50. China accused of launching cyber-attacks on Ukraine before Russian invasion

UK government confirmed that the National Cyber Security Centre is investigating the allegations

51. China’s Xi offers closer cooperation with Russia in a call with Putin.


52. Russia announces joint naval drills with China this week in East China Sea

53. Russia-China ties are the “best in history,” Vladimir Putin says in a video call with Xi Jinping, as both leaders hail deepening ties between their countries

54. February 4, 20232:38
China says political trust with Russia has deepened after envoy's visit reuters.com/world/china/ch…

55. Spiegel reports that China is considering delivering suicide #drones to Russia.


56. China respects ex-Soviet states as sovereign nations - foreign ministry


57. Zelensky Zelensky on the stage at the Shangri-La Dialogue :: “With China’s support for Russia, the war will last longer. And that is bad for the whole world.”

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