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„У тешким данима спас нађе онај ко спасава сопствену душу“.

Feb 27, 2022, 7 tweets

1⃣Ukraine's tactics: "Slavic Intifada"?
In the video you can see a Molotov cocktail underground factory. Ukraine's tactics are similar, in my view, to Islamic intifadas against Israel:
➖There are hardly any pitched battles or defenses outside of urban centers.⬇️

2⃣➖The military is closely interlinked with the civilian population and they are involved in the war from the start.
♟This tactic only works against an opponent who wants to avoid civilian casualties and bad optics. It is willing to sacrifice civilians to build ⬇️

3⃣international pressure. Indeed, for Ukraine, the "Slavic Intifada" is the most effective option. An almost insurmountable challenge for Russia.

👉 The bad news is: the conflict could become extremely cruel and bloody.


Russians deep in Kharkov
The Russians are proceeding according to their "gentle shock" strategy in the city of millions.
👉 This city shows whether the Ukrainian strategy of the "Slavic Intifada" can be overcome by the

Russians at all and whether they can take over large urban centers in this way. If it doesn't work out, the war will certainly be a lot bloodier.

Local residents do not want Ukrainian artillery in their neighborhood. This video reportedly shows Russian mothers demanding Ukrainian forces withdraw their guns from the residential area. The cellars are full of children and they fear that the war equipment will endanger them⬇️

👉 It is possible that many of the Ukrainians, especially in the East, will not support the "Slavic Intifada".


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