Rudrabha Profile picture
Jai Hind Jai Bharat Jai Shri Ram 🙏🏽 . Refer to my pinned post and biolink to know about me. I'm not able to check notifications due to time constraint.

Feb 27, 2022, 11 tweets

1 // Thread //

Probable reason no. 1 (out of many) that why're many people supporting the trend of boycotting The Kashmir Files film ? & also NOT willing to watch it ?

Related Hashtags/Tagline:
#BoycottTheKashmirFiles , #RightToJustice , Boycott #TheKashmirFiles & #KashmirFiles

2 // Thread //

Probable reason no. 2 (out of many) that why are many people supporting the trend of boycotting The Kashmir Files film ? and also NOT willing to watch it ?

Related Hashtags/TLs:
#BoycottTheKashmirFiles , #RightToJustice , Boycott #TheKashmirFiles & #KashmirFiles

3 // Thread //

Probable reason no. 3 (out of many) that why are many people supporting the trend of boycotting The Kashmir Files film ? and also NOT willing to watch it ?

Related Hashtags/TLs:
#BoycottTheKashmirFiles , #RightToJustice , Boycott #TheKashmirFiles & #KashmirFiles

4 // Thread //

Probable reason no. 4 (out of many) that why are many people supporting the trend of boycotting The Kashmir Files film ? and also NOT willing to watch it ?

Related Hashtags/TLs:
#BoycottTheKashmirFiles , #RightToJustice , Boycott #TheKashmirFiles & #KashmirFiles

5 // Thread //

Probable reason no. 5 (out of many) that why are many people supporting the trend of boycotting The Kashmir Files film ? and also NOT willing to watch it ?

Related Hashtags/TLs:
#BoycottTheKashmirFiles , #RightToJustice , Boycott #TheKashmirFiles & #KashmirFiles

6 // Thread //

Probable reason no. 6 (out of many) that why're many people supporting the boycott of The Kashmir Files film ? & also NOT willing to watch it?

[ Refer: ]

#BoycottTheKashmirFiles , #RightToJustice , Boycott #TheKashmirFiles & #KashmirFiles

7 // Thread //

Probable reason no. 7 (out of many) that why are many people supporting the trend of boycotting The Kashmir Files film ? and also NOT willing to watch it ?

Related Hashtags/TLs:
#BoycottTheKashmirFiles , #RightToJustice , Boycott #TheKashmirFiles & #KashmirFiles

8 // Thread //

Probable reason no. 8 (out of many) that why're many people supporting the boycott of The Kashmir Files film ? & also NOT willing to watch it?

[ Refer:… ]

#BoycottTheKashmirFiles , #RightToJustice , Boycott #TheKashmirFiles & #KashmirFiles

9 // Thread //

Probable reason no. 9 (out of many) that why are many people supporting the trend of boycotting The Kashmir Files film ? & also NOT willing to watch it ?

#BoycottTheKashmirFiles , #RightToJustice , Boycott #TheKashmirFiles & #KashmirFiles , #BoycottBollywood

10 // Thread //

Probable reason no. 10 (out of many) that why're many people supporting the trend of boycotting The Kashmir Files film ? & also NOT willing to watch it?

#BoycottTheKashmirFiles , #RightToJustice , Boycott #TheKashmirFiles & #KashmirFiles , #BoycottBollywood

11 / Thread /

This is what I'm going to do (refer 1st image). Sorry, I cannot force anyone. I just do NOT want to support this industry neither directly nor indirectly.

#BoycottTheKashmirFiles , #RightToJustice , Boycott #TheKashmirFiles & #KashmirFiles , #BoycottBollywood

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