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Feb 27, 2022, 7 tweets

British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, echoing prior statement from the US State Department, opposed ceasefire talks, when asked about efforts between Ukraine and Russian delegations to find a location for negotiations.

Rather than focusing on securing a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine, British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss is spending her time encouraging Britons to go fight Russia in Ukraine.

No word on whether Britons may go fight Saudi Arabia in Yemen, if they so choose.

Meanwhile, it would appear there may have been a breakthrough when it comes to ceasefire talks between Ukraine and Russia.

Associated Press confirms delegations will meet at an unspecified time and location on the Belarusian border.

In this Guardian news update, few positive details on possible ceasefire talks between Ukraine and Russia:

A Ukrainian delegation will meet with a Russian delegation on 28 February “without preconditions.” The talks will take place on the Ukrainian-Belarus border - the first since Russia invaded Ukraine, Deutsche Welle notes.

US, EU countries haven’t openly encouraged ceasefire talks. Zelenskyy’s comment suggests he hasn’t been empowered by countries arming Ukraine to agree to ceasefire that gives in to Russia demands. But with nuclear threats and environmental disasters, the world needs a ceasefire.

With talks about potential ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia scheduled for the morning, British PM Boris Johnson isn't plainly encouraging negotiations. Instead, he says Russia couldn't "possibly be sincere."

The UK (along with US) has forgotten history of gunboat diplomacy.

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