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Marketer|Loving Tete|GGMU ❤️|@ZwitterChoice

Feb 27, 2022, 20 tweets

Welcome to episode 5 of confession & testimony Sundays. Kindly note that you can still send through your confessions & testimonies anonymously via the link below

Confession #1

Confession #2

Confession #3

Confession #4

I understand the pain & frustration you feel because of your father, but don't let the way he treats you define u. Focus on your studies, mom & making something out of yourself. Give yourself a chance to love & be loved, there are good men out there & you deserve one... xoxo ❤️

Confession #5

Confession #6

Confession #7

Confession #8 A message for married men

Confession #9 🤔

Confession #10

Confession #11

Confession #12

Confession $13

Confession #14

Confession #15

Confession #16

Confession #17 response to #3

Confession #18

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