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Feb 28, 2022, 29 tweets

Russia's political and economic isolation deepened as its forces met stiff resistance in Ukraine's capital and other cities in the biggest assault on a European state since World War Two

Here's what you need to know about the Ukraine crisis right now

Moscow ramped up efforts to control the narrative playing out in news media and on tech platforms, while big tech companies put restrictions on Russia's state-controlled media outlets in Ukraine and around the world

Russia's central bank announced a slew of measures to support domestic markets, as it scrambled to manage the broadening fallout of Western sanctions

GRAPHIC: Track latest updates on Russian invasion of Ukraine

Russian President Putin's Ukraine invasion forces Germany to step up to its role as a global power. Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced a dramatic hike in military spending that marks a paradigm shift in German foreign and defense policy

In pictures: Inside the battle for Ukraine

Crude oil jumped while the rouble plunged nearly 30% to a record low after Western nations imposed tough new sanctions on Russia, including blocking some banks from the SWIFT global payments system

Explainer: Here is how the U.S. could tighten sanctions on Russia

Russia has employed powerful ballistic missiles in the first days of its Ukraine invasion, but analysts say many Ukrainian defenses remain intact. Many countries who see Moscow as an adversary are eager to gather data on the impact of the missile attacks

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba released a video message to Russians saying they need to demand that President Vladimir Putin stop the war with Ukraine

European nations and Canada moved to shut their airspace to Russian aircraft, an unprecedented step aimed at pressuring President Vladimir Putin to end his invasion of Ukraine

Crude oil jumped while the rouble plunged nearly 30% to a record low after Western nations imposed tough new sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, including blocking some banks from the SWIFT global payments system

Talks between Russian and Ukrainian officials began on the Belarusian border, Moscow said, as Russia's diplomatic and economic isolation deepens four days after invading Ukraine

Watch live: U.N. General Assembly emergency special session on Ukraine…

BREAKING: Ukrainian President Zelenskiy has signed a request to join the European Union

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said he has signed an official request for Ukraine to join the EU to allowing the country to gain membership immediately under a special procedure as it defends itself from invasion by Russian forces

Energy giant BP, global bank HSBC and the world's biggest aircraft leasing firm AerCap joined a growing list of companies looking to exit Russia, as Western sanctions tightened the screws on Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine

'We are in an extraordinary situation where extraordinary measures could be decided,' President and Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis says as Switzerland joins EU sanctions against Russia in a sharp deviation from the country's traditional neutrality

Twitter is adding labels and reducing the visibility for tweets containing content from Russian state-affiliated media websites like @RT_com and @SputnikInt

Russian artillery bombarded residential districts of Ukraine's second largest city Kharkiv, killing possibly dozens of people, Ukrainian officials said, as Moscow's invading forces met stiff resistance from Ukrainians on a fifth day of conflict

Here's a timeline of Ukraine's fraught relationship with Moscow since it won independence in 1991 and the events that led to the current conflict

The Pentagon gives a briefing on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Watch:…

Russia's U.N. ambassador gives a briefing on the ongoing Russian invasion o Ukraine. Watch:…

Russia's central bank more than doubled its key policy rate and introduced some capital controls as the country faced deepening economic isolation, but its governor said sanctions had stopped it selling foreign currency to prop up the rouble

The U.S. will keep its focus on the Indo-Pacific despite the Ukraine crisis, the White House Indo-Pacific policy coordinator said, adding Washington was deeply engaged in two theaters simultaneously before, including during World War Two and the Cold War

The S&P 500 ended lower in volatile trading, with investors wrestling with uncertainty and bank stocks dropping following powerful Western sanctions against Russia as it continued its invasion of Ukraine

The Ukrainian president said it was time to consider a no-fly zone for Russian missiles, planes and helicopters after the bombardment of Kharkiv. Russia has carried out 56 rocket strikes and sent 113 cruise missiles in five days, according to Zelenskiy…

Satellite images taken on Monday show a Russian military convoy north of Kyiv that stretches for about 40 miles, substantially longer than the 17 miles reported earlier in the day, Maxar Technologies said

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