Jack White 🔶 🇺🇦 #VoteLibDem #RejoinEU #SlavaUk Profile picture
Author of "Operation Suitcase & Operation Boris". He/Him #SaveUkraine #SaveGaza #VPDFO #BLM #Transrights 🏳️‍⚧️ #RejoinEU #HelpUkraineWin #NAFO #FBPE

Feb 28, 2022, 5 tweets

An appeaser speaks @Dominic2306 - actually a slowly rolling NFZ starting on NATO borders in Western Ukraine and gradually creeping East could be done without bombing radars or shooting down Russian planes, just making the Russian airforce uncomfortable about flying into airspace

By deploying in force and slowly creeping forward, we would deter Russian encroachment without having to engage, over days this could be expanded so a large part of Ukraine had a NFZ air umbrella where Russian AF would be uncertain over Air Superiority as Ukrainian AF resupplied.

How a shifting non engagement NFZ might help push back the Russian airforce without escalation risks
Phase 1 Day 1

Phase 2 Day 2

Phase 3 Day 3

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