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Feb 28, 2022, 5 tweets

When Percy Ohene-Yeboah peered down from his high-rise apartment in the city of Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine last week, the street below was clogged with traffic. People hurried along the sidewalks, wheeling suitcases behind them 1/5

The Ghanaian engineering student went to a window on the other side and discovered why: Russian planes were flying low above the city, trying to evade missiles that rifled through the sky 2/5

As reality dawned, and with nowhere to turn, the 24-year-old, packed a bag and ran to the nearest underground train station for shelter, one of thousands of African students stranded in Ukraine during a Russian invasion, with no idea of how to escape 3/5

Cities under siege across Ukraine are home to tens of thousands of African students studying medicine, engineering and military affairs. What was meant to be a cheaper alternative to studying in Western Europe or the United States has turned overnight into a war zone 4/5

Afraid of taking the road west, and without flights or money, he will stay put for now.

Others are on the move 5/5

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