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Feb 28, 2022, 12 tweets

After more than 200 years of Colonial rule, on this day Feb 28th of 1948, the last regiment of the British army left India via the Gateway of India in Mumbai.

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The final regiment to leave was the 'Somerset Light Infantry regiment'

They marched with a ceremonial farewell parade through the streets of South Mumbai

The Guard of honour was given by the Maratha Light Infantry, Gurkha and Sikh regiments of the Indian army

The Indian Guard of honour played God Save the King and the Somerset Light Infantry band played Jana Gana Mana in return

General Lashmer Whistler gave a farewell speech next to the Indian flag

Farewell gift of a silver model of Gateway of India and an oil painting of the Indian flag was given to the British

Gifts taken. Farewell speeches given. It was time to leave. After 200 long years.

Hundreds of Indians had assembled to show their goodbyes.

The ship Empress of Australia was waiting for the leaving Britishers to take them back home.

A final bye bye. End of an Era.

What started as a small trading enterprise off the coast of Madras in the 1630s left at the end of a big colonial era from the coast of Bombay in 1948.

300 odd years that changed India in every possible way!

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