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ONE PIECE theory and speculation account. Let's have fun with this. WARNING: Posts will contain spoilers. . . . . . . . (The One Piece is going to be a...!)

Mar 1, 2022, 20 tweets

One Piece Theory:

There’s a reason the Gorosei want Luffy dead - Dragon’s on his way to Wano.

The Bastille-Onigashima Connection, and how this might herald the arrival of the Revolutionary Army in Wano.

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#onepiece #onepiecetheory

Some disclaimers: by no means am I the first person to theorize that the RA is coming.

As usual, @TypicalJAnt has done some brilliant work on it - check out his thread here.

In this thread, considering the events of 1041 and some recent connections I’ve made, I want to explore other angles that lead to the same conclusion.

Now let’s talk about "Shark Cutter" Bastille.

As I’ve theorized, I believe that Bastille is a character that foreshadows Onigashima.

Just like how Bastille wears a horned mask, I believe that Onigashima is not a skull, but is a horned mask that belongs to an Ancient Giant that is Oars.

Check it:

Bastille is one of the many references to the French Revolution in One Piece.

There’s actually a few:

Waterlaw = Waterloo
Mary Geoise
Isntoinette -> Marie Antoinette
Elbaf = Elba, the island Napoleon was exiled to.

But let’s zoom into the Bastille. What is it?

The Bastille was a fortress stormed by revolutionaries during the French Revolution.

They sought to take the gunpowder within the fortress, and release prisoners. 👀

The incident was called “Storming of the Bastille”. This occasion is celebrated in France - Bastille Day.

You can see some parallels here already.

The fortress represents Onigashima.

In response to Kaido and Orochi’s repression, the samurai of Wano have decided to rai/storm it.

Onigashima has stores of gunpowder, and even a prisoner in a mask.

But that's not all. 🐘

Another structure associated with the Bastille is the Elephant of the Bastille. It’s a monument which existed between 1813 and 1846, built by Napoleon to demonstrate his military prowess.

The Elephant has a platform on its back - kinda like Zunesha and Zou. Coincidence? Maybe.

Now let’s switch gears. Why might the Revolutionary Army come to Wano?

If the Storming of the Bastille marks the start of the French Revolution, it’s not a stretch to say that the Storming of Onigashima could mark the Revolution in One Piece.

Let me share a few other points.

(An aside: something must have happened at the Reverie. However, what transpired is still a mystery.

If you look at the Gorosei's words in 1037, they said that it's "cursed" - but based on their composure and the state of Mary Geoise, it seems relatively peaceful.)

#1 The word "storm" is used very specifically in the "Storming of the Bastille".

We all know that "The D will always cause another storm".

Could the Storming of Onigashima be yet another "storm" caused by the many D's?

#2 Something that hasn’t been talked about much is the importance of father-child relationships in Wano.

Oden, and Hiyori and Momo. Kaido and Yamato. We even see it in the opening chapters of the Wano flashback.

This feels like a good time for Luffy to meet his own father.

#3 This has been pointed out by a few people - if you turn the logo of the RA over, you get an elephant parting the seas.

This is a stretch - but could the RA have been preparing for this faithful day all along?

Zunesha is already here.

#4 If the SSG, along with admirals, do arrive in Wano, there are very few forces that can match them.

The RA feels like the perfect counterforce.

(Of course they’re not going to come alone - the Shichibikai will be with them as well...but that's another theory.)

#5 The people of Wano, including Momo, seems ready for a Belo Betty pep talk.

(Another connection to the French Revolution - Belo Betty is probably modeled after 'Liberty Leading the People').

#6 The Gorosei already made a mistake by letting Kaido and Big Mom meet - and that's been a huge catastrophe.

The meeting of Dragon and his son, who's been called the Fifth Emperor, is probably the "worst-case scenario" they're trying to avoid.

#7 In chapter 818, when the Red Scabbards and Momo told the crew about Wano, guess who happens to be on the cover?

The Revolutionary Army. 👀

I'm going to stop here because it's getting a bit too tin foil hat for my liking. 😅

That said, I do think there's enough story reasons, coincidences, and hints for the RA to show up in the final acts of Wano, and cement their place in the end game of the story.

Referring back to Bastille one last time - do you remember who crushed him back in Dressrosa?

Sabo, Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army. 😉

Coincidence? If you buy the idea that Bastille = Onigashima, maybe not.

Thank you for your time and attention. Do 'like' and RT! 🙏

If you enjoyed this thread, you can check out my other Dragon thread here. It's good. 🔥

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