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Mar 1, 2022, 14 tweets

Where is Tina Goldstein?

Theory/Speculation No. 2:
Tina disguise as one of Grindelwald's followers, to give information to Dumbledore and to get closer to her sister, Queenie + Credence


Note: just reminder this is just speculation. I know how FB fandom really not chill with that :v so i need to give reminder

This is like hc, fanart, fanfic. Everyone have their own perspective and doesn't always want to be canon


Okay, let's started. One of current popular theory around Tina's whereabout is that Tina polyjuicing as someone

And in this theory suggest: maybe Tina disguise as one of grindy's followers?

Maybe this "unknown" character played by actress Valerie Pachner in IMDB list?

Back then before this, Katherine (Tina) always on top list IMDB actress/actors for FB3 (She was even listed before Newt (pic 1 n 2) somehow)

But lately, there's new additional actress in list, Valerie Pachner, that suddenly listed before Katherine and her character still unknown

We already know Tina didn't have poster, and this unknown character played by Valerie also not appear in poster

Meanwhile, just like we know too, there's many new characters that we never know also appear in poster. But somehow Valerie's character also wasn't on it.

Some suggest Valerie's character is the one in this part of trailer. But there's something fishy

pic 1: newt still carry his case and seems like walking foward to the lady in front of ladder

pic 2: suddenly the lady carrying the case, and newt chasing her

Seems like the lady is grindy's followers and stole the case from newt? But why Newt walking toward her at first place then?

What if that lady is TINA who disguise as grindy's follower (valerie's char)?

Newt came to her thought it's Tina in disguise, but turn out it is not?

We can see dumby always act like know everything in here. Yes, we know he is a great wizard, but is it really only bcs that?

Bunty seems like expressing that doubt too in trailer

Maybe dumby has spy inside grindy's acolytes to get info?

And it's Tina who do that?

We know how Tina have close connection to Credence, and also to her sister as well

And now both of them in Grindy's hand

What if Tina accept the mission from Dumby to disguise as Grindy's followers, not only to give information, but also to get close to Queenie and Credence?

The problem on this theory is: Queenie's legilimens

If Tina disguise as one of followers, Queenie can immediately know that

BUT maybe it can be
1. Tina already learn occlumency more stronger
2. Or Queenie know it is Tina, but she didn't say anything to protect her sister

So, maybe this is why Tina didn't appear in trailer/poster? Bcs obviously it is big spoiler if her disguise got revealed?

((Also, queenie doesn't shown much in trailer. Maybe bcs there's some hidden interaction between queenie and tina in disguise?))

Another theory about where is Tina Goldstein that i wrote before this, if you interested to read it too

Theory/speculation no. 1: Tina currently has high position in MACUSA and try to save her sister + credence from inside: by 'fix' system from inside

Katherine Waterston, mentioned about "surprises" in third film

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