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Mar 1, 2022, 10 tweets

🚨 HAPPENING NOW: As fighting continues in Ukraine, @Journotopia is live from the ground in Lviv on @Reddit to answer your questions about the situation.
Ask here 👉

Q: How are people finding ways to rest since the attack began?

A: Ukrainians seem to be sticking close to home and family if they can.

@Journotopia answers questions from Ukraine in our Reddit AMA:

Q: Ukrainian losses are still a mystery. How much damage has been done?

A: Accurate accounts of losses on both sides are hard to independently assess. Neither army wants to advertise them.

@Journotopia answers questions from Ukraine in our Reddit AMA:

Q: Are citizens in Ukraine able to read what is being said around the world?

A: Yes, and support from around the world has been a source of comfort.

Follow along as @Journotopia answers questions from the ground in Lviv, Ukraine:

Q: How many people have stayed in Ukraine other than the men 18-60 who are required?

A: The overwhelming majority of Ukrainians are staying put.

Read along as @Journotopia answers questions from the ground in Lviv, Ukraine:

Q: Are arms being released indiscriminately to the population?

A: No. Even relaxed rules in war-time Ukraine are possibly stricter than rules in peace-time America.

@Journotopia is answering questions from the ground in Lviv, Ukraine. Follow along:

Q: We haven't heard much of the Russian forces in the west of the country. What has the impact of the war been there?

A: There have been bombings in the west but so far no Russian ground assaults.

Follow the Reddit AMA with @Journotopia in Ukraine:

Q: How do you differentiate between Russian and Western/European propaganda?

A: As journalists, we routinely ask ourselves: Who is giving me this information, and why?

Read our Reddit AMA with @Journotopia, who is reporting from Lviv, Ukraine:

Q: Why does the Russian military seem so unorganized and ill-prepared?

A: The Russian military were unprepared for the ferocity and rigor of the Ukrainian response.

Read our Reddit AMA with @Journotopia, who is reporting from Lviv, Ukraine:

Q: Can you describe what life is like now in Lviv, where you are reporting?

A: There is a sense of defiance and even hope among those I've spoken to.

Take a look at today's Reddit AMA with @Journotopia, who is reporting from Lviv, Ukraine:

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