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Mar 2, 2022, 6 tweets

Supporters endure the scorching heat to welcome presidential candidate Vice President Leni Robredo and running mate Senator Kiko Pangilinan for the Pink Magic of Hope in celebration of the Women's Month. #TheFilipinoVotes | @anjocalimario

Pink Magic of Hope at Plaza Noli in Sampaloc, Manila was organized by RPC Manila. | @anjocalimario

@anjocalimario Robredo gamely reads the posters made by supporters, “Buti pa temperature, may degree,” “Leni Minaj,” “Aika, Tricia, Jillian, pahiram ng nanay nyo kahit 6 years lang,” “Yes to lugaw, no to magnanakaw,” “Ba-youth for Leni.” #TheFilipinoVotes | @anjocalimario

Robredo asks supporters: Handa ba tayong magtrabaho? Gaya noong 2016, kung handa tayong magtrabaho in the next 68 days, mananalo po tayo. Excited kami na kasama kayo sa laban. #TheFilipinoVotes | @anjocalimario

LOOK: Aerial shots of the Leni-Kiko rally at Plaza Noli, Sampaloc, Manila. #TheFilipinoVotes | @anjocalimario

📸Team Kiko/Jimmy Dasal

@anjocalimario WATCH: Robredo and Pangilinan attend “Pink Magic of Hope” in Sampaloc, Manila this afternoon. #TheFilipinoVotes | @anjocalimario

📹 Team Kiko/Jimmy Dasal

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