Tete Fadzie Profile picture
Marketer|Loving Tete|GGMU ❤️|@ZwitterChoice

Mar 2, 2022, 34 tweets

So today we are going to have a venting session from 10.15 up to 2pm, kindly use the anonymous link below to just write and let it out ❤️ I will be posting the responses in the thread below 👇

Response #1

Response #2

Response #3

Response #4

Response #5

Response #6

Response #7

Response #8 can you kindly DM with your qualifications

Response #9

Try going the doctor or men's clinic,don't stress yourself too much about this , zvinhu zvinogadzirisika izvi ❤️

Response #10

Response #11

Response #12

Response #13 Guys pane anoziva kune maattachment position for someone studying Food Science, kindly assist.

Just because things haven't gone your way doesn't mean that you are failure. Be patient and keep on hoping zvichaita, belive in yourself as well usazvitarisire pasi.

Response #14

Response #15

Response #16

Response #17

Response #18

Response #19

Response #20 Anyone to assist

Response #21

Response #22

Response #23

Response #24

Truth be told sometimes in life you just need to learn to say no, it doesn't mean that you are selfish or a bad person . Help where you can but don't go beyond your limits, you need to look out for yourself. Save and spend money on things you want and need, you deserve it.

Response #25

Responses #27, 28,29,30

Responses #31,32,33,34

Responses #35, 36,37,38

We have come to the end of our session, l just want thank everyone for your participation. Tomorrow toita imwe thread to give some positive words to help those are going through tough times. Keep on hoping ,praying and working zvinoita chete❤️

kindly dm someone wants to assist

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