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I'm writing a book on how to stay conscious when you drown

Mar 2, 2022, 8 tweets

Barnsley submit 2020/21 accounts. Revenue ⬇️ & costs ⬆️ mean club made higher losses than previous year but still modest by Championship standards. Also claimed £2.8m in furlough to steady the ship. #BFC

Barnsley had over £3m in the bank at 31 May 2021. This was partly due to borrowing money from EFL to pay outstanding tax bills run up during COVID as the club, unlike Mel Morris, believes in paying its tax liabilities.

Barnsley received cash of £7.9m from transfer fee instalments in 2020/21 and borrowed a net £2.7m

Matches BCD meant Matchday income ⬇️ although IFollow helped soften the blow so overall revenue down 12%. Wages increased due to new contracts & signings so club paid £115 wages for every £100 of income (2020 £78)

Highest paid director had a £45k ⬆️ in remuneration. Amortisation costs (transfer fees spread over contract period) little change.

Barnsley bought players for £4.3m and had sales of £4.7m. There were write downs of players signed of £153k for ones who were bought but turned out to be a bit bobbins.

Barnsley owed other clubs £1.5m for transfer fee instalments and were owed a similar sum themselves on player sales. Outstanding PAYE due to HMRC ⬇️ as club used EFL loan to pay off taxes #MelMorrisNotLikeThis

Barnsley may have to pay another £1m in transfer add ins if certain conditions achieved.

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