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CEO Of @P4LOIndia, @PTLB, @TeleLaw, @PTLBProjects. My Views On #CyberLaw, #CyberSecurity, #CyberForensics, #AI, #ML, #IoT, #QC, #SmartCities, #SpaceLaw, Etc.

Mar 2, 2022, 5 tweets

Opening this thread to give first hand account how @DelhiPolice handles online complaints, First Information Reports (FIRs), police investigations, etc. This thread would discuss about the ODR Request created against Mr. M. Kumar, to which Delhi Police is a party. #DigitalIndia

I have sent all relevant and concerned details of the ODR Request to you with complete ODR Request through DM. We hope @DelhiPolice would cooperate with @ODRIndia Portal to do complete justice. #DigitalIndia #IndiaAt75 #LegalTech

The rationale of @ODRIndia Portal and its functioning has been duly communicated to @DelhiPolice. Let us see whether DP also agrees with us regarding #AccessToJustice and reducing burden upon Police and Judiciary. #DigitalIndia #IndiaAt75 #LegalTech

Parties to this ODR Request include @DelhiPolice, Complainant, Accused and @P4LOIndia. ODR Request has been duly served upon the Accused through his WhatsApp. Delivery and Read Receipt has been attached here. We hope DP would act promptly now. #DigitalIndia #IndiaAt75 #LegalTech

The @DelhiPolice has shown no inclination to use technology and private #AccessToJustice initiatives like @ODRIndia. So far Delhi Police and the office of Commissioner of Police have failed to even communicate. This is not good governance. #DigitalIndia #IndiaAt75 @CPDelhi @PTLB

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