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Mar 2, 2022, 11 tweets


#Neighbours will end this summer after four decades on our screens. Here are the details 👇

The beloved Australian soap first hit screens in 1985 and has delighted fans ever since, with household names appearing in Ramsay Street – including Kylie Minogue, Liam Hemsworth, Jason Donovan, Alan Dale and Margot Robbie.

Neighbours has been a staple of the daytime TV schedule in the UK for years, and originally aired on BBC One until 2008, before it was moved to Channel 5.

Fremantle Media – the production company that make Neighbours – has extensively searched for a new home for the soap after Channel 5 announced their plans to drop it from schedules in a few months time.

The production company is set to make an announcement on Thursday (March 3), stating that they haven’t been successful in their attempt at finding another channel prepared to take on Neighbours.

A source told The Sun: ‘Fremantle have not commented on the situation since the news broke about Channel 5. They have been working tirelessly to secure funding from other networks but sadly they’ve been unable to save the soap.

‘The announcement will confirm that the soap will end this summer and that they have been overwhelmed by the love and support from the audience since the news broke.’ 💔

‘There is a lot of hard work going on behind the scenes to make the final few weeks of Neighbours are truly special’, the source continued to the publication.

Ian Smith, aka Harold Bishop, has confirmed he will reprise his role while Kylie Minogue and Jason Donavon have both been approached in the hope they will return.

Despite the news, fans are continuing to campaign in the hope the show will be saved.

A petition, currently has over 61,000 signatures.…

The dedicated Neighbours audience also managed to knock Ed Sheeran from the Amazon and iTunes music charts as the theme tune made it’s way to number 1 👀

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