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Mar 3, 2022, 27 tweets

Russian troops entered the Ukrainian city of Kherson, forcing their way into the council building, the mayor said, after a day of conflicting claims over whether Moscow had made the first major gain of a city in its eight-day-long invasion

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said Kremlin would not be able to take Ukraine with bombs and air strikes. Here is what you need to know about the invasion

Brent crude is now up almost 20% on the week, while everything from coal to natural gas and aluminum are on fire as Western nations tighten sanctions on Russia

Russian President Putin said that his nation's nuclear forces should be put on high alert. Here is how Russia's chain of command would work in the event of a nuclear weapon launch

French President Emmanuel Macron denounced the ‘lies’ spread by the Russian government to justify the war in Ukraine, but said he would remain in contact with President Putin to try and obtain a ceasefire

‘Russia’s government is also throttling Twitter, Facebook and Instagram platforms that tens of millions of Russia’s citizens rely on to access independent information and opinion,’ the State Department said in a statement

In Pictures: Russian police arrest anti-war protesters in Saint Petersburg

GRAPHIC: Tracking Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Thousands of Berlin residents showed up at the central train station with sign boards offering refugees fleeing Ukraine a place to stay

A million refugees have fled Ukraine in a week after Russia invaded the country, the head of the United Nations refugee agency said

Russia's advance on Kyiv has made scant progress and Ukrainian forces still held Kharkiv and several other cities under attack, British military intelligence said, a day after Moscow claimed to have captured the Black Sea port of Kherson

Russian and Belarusian athletes were barred from the Winter Paralympics in Beijing on the eve of the Games following threats of boycotts by other teams over Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) said

BREAKING: Formula One terminates its contract with the Russian Grand Prix

Russia's invasion of Ukraine entered its second week, an apparent tactical failure so far, with its main assault force stalled for days on a highway north of Kyiv and other advances halted at the outskirts of cities it is bombing into wastelands

Regulators are preparing for a possible closure of the European arm of Russia's second-largest bank, VTB Bank, amid growing concerns about the impact of Western sanctions following the Ukraine invasion, according to two sources familiar with the matter

The United States plans to impose economic sanctions on a wider array of Russian oligarchs and their families, a source familiar with the matter tells @Reuters, in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine

The head of Russia's foreign intelligence agency said it was wrong to speak of a new Cold War between Russia and the West because the situation was already 'hot'

Moldovan President Maia Sandu signed a formal application for her country to join the European Union, charting a pro-Western course hastened by Russia's invasion of neighboring Ukraine

A one-time Goldman Sachs banker has written an open letter to David Solomon calling on the Wall Street investment bank's chief executive to exit Russia and re-locate staff from Moscow to stay 'on the right side of history'

As Russian troops slowly advanced on Ukraine's capital Kyiv, some people back in Moscow were attempting to flee to destinations abroad that have not banned flights from Russia, stomaching soaring prices in the rush to escape

Andrew Adams, a veteran federal prosecutor in New York City who has experience handling cases involving Russian organized crime groups, will lead the Justice Department's new task force aimed at Russian oligarchs, Attorney General Merrick Garland said

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki holds a briefing. Watch live:…

Russia and Ukraine have agreed on the need to set up humanitarian corridors and a possible ceasefire around them for Ukrainian civilians fleeing the war, negotiators for both sides said following talks

Russian human rights activist and former world chess champion Garry Kasparov urged world powers to adopt a harsher military and economic strategy against Russian President Vladimir Putin for his invasion of Ukraine

Reactors at Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant are being shut down safely, the U.S. energy secretary says. The state emergency service said a fire had broken out in a building outside the station's perimeter during intense fighting

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