Tyler Black, MD Profile picture
Suicidologist, emergency psychiatrist and pharmacologist. Data geek, ok, lots of other geek. Views expressed are my own and not my employers'. he/him/his

Mar 3, 2022, 18 tweets


Sending cancellation requests to all my meetings this week.

I sensed movement but he somehow got cuter, using the armrest as a pillow.
I can do telemedicine from the couch, right?

Want to touch.

Scared to touch.

That bald spot 😍😍😍

Portrait of a hostage-taker.

What came first, this or graduation from university?! Time is a blur.


He looked right at me, I believe he is considering my application for release.


Hey @RyanJBlack you know my final wishes.

I can still move my feet.

Pardon me while I google "DVT prophylaxis"

It's warm at least.

Nearly 3 hours in.

Or is it 3 years? I can't tell.

11:46pm PST I was granted work release.

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