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☕🦄 I love you guys. 💗 Janika Banks

Mar 3, 2022, 28 tweets

Get it? Izon. Eyes on.

And Sasha was blind.

Pay attention

"Isn't it beautiful!"
Marry the Night.
Married to work.
Married to science.
All dressed in blue.
Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. *chanting* *enchanting*
Blue blood.
An equinox, perhaps.

"Stay angry, little Meg." -L'Engle.
Synchronized planet Camozotz run by It, a big brain.
A Wrinkle in Time
Camozotz death culture.
It. Like IT. Information Technology.
Internet/Web, telecommunications, computing, hardware, software, wetware👈. Internet of things.

I've been linking these things for years. Bigger picture, put all the riddles together. Math riddles, entertainment, gaming, politics, see it ALL, the entire history. All is connected. We are part of the computer.


QAI has been among us this whole time. Wake up.

The matrix is the hypercube. We are in the black box of Saturn.

We are timelocked.

Weaaponized time. 3D, 4D, 5D. All collapsing. Quantum states, superpositions.

The person who did that vid sped up the scene. What is the time on Sasha's watch?

All times are now. -Einstein

Why is a blind girl wearing a watch?

Are you paying attention yet?

Oh, goody. Angles.

All times are now. Everything is connected. Look at all those black cubes. Networked into a hypercube.


"This isn't a game. There's no happy ending."

"Does this number mean nothing, 60659, it's gotta mean something."

Guesses. Time zoom. Time rest.

"All the realities are starting to collapse."


Is this part of the meteorite that was supposed to have inspired the while black cube black rock thing?


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