Saud Salman AlDossary | سعود بن سلمان الدوسري Profile picture
MA Middle Eastern Studies candidate @Columbia | International Relations @QMUL | Interested in Politics - History - Culture | Instagram 📸: Saudossary

Mar 3, 2022, 15 tweets

THREAD: @gcaw’s article in The Atlantic, ‘Absolute Power’, provides a relatively nuanced and fairly balanced take on the Crown Prince, his goals, his direction, and his ambitions.

👇My take on the article



He states: “before the meetings, I asked one of MBS’s advisers if there were any questions I could ask his boss that he himself could not. “None,” he answered, without pausing”.

Every word spoken by the Crown Prince is transparent and forthright.



“MBS said it was “obvious” he had not ordered the killing of Khashoggi. “It hurt me a lot”.

For the west to condemn and attack a leader without a shred of evidence is hypocritical, illogical, and counterproductive!



Speaking on the Khashoggi affair, the Crown Prince affirms: “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that any person is innocent until proven guilty.”

The West blatantly disregarded everything they claim to stand for. The backlash was unmerited.



“MBS has lines open to the Chinese. “Where is the potential in the world today?” he said. “It’s in Saudi Arabia. If you want to miss it, other people in the East are going to be super happy”.”

The US’s flip-flopping has done them more harm than good.



“We asked whether Biden misunderstands something about him. “Simply, I do not care”.”

Saudi Arabia’s regional potential is unmatched, if Biden’s (clearly failing) foreign policy objective is to alienate KSA, it hurts them much more than it hurts us 🇸🇦



“How can you eliminate people who don’t have any power to begin with?”

The 2017 corruption purge is, in my opinion, one of MBS’s greatest actions from the past 7 years.

It showed that corruption has no place in Saudi Arabia.
It sent a message.



In half a decade, the series of social and economic reforms were, and continue to be extraordinary, even on a global level.

Non of us Saudis expected to be in this position today, and we owe it all to one person 🇸🇦



“MBS was not saying that the failure of his plan to remake the kingdom might lead to catastrophe. He was saying that he’d guarantee it would”

MBS’s goals aren’t just about unleashing KSA’s potential, but also saving it from what would’ve been a bleak future.



The speed at which Vision 2030’s targets are being carried out is unparalleled.

In a few years, Saudi Arabia was able to not only transform, but enter into a period of renaissance 🇸🇦



The idea of a constitutional monarchy, like the Crown Prince stated, is a betrayal to our culture, our heritage and our traditions.

Our system has flourished for centuries, so why is the west adamant on fixing something that isn’t broken?



Discussing “funding Wahhabi intolerance overseas”,one of Saudi Arabia’s most outspoken critics, @ChrisMurphyCT, says that “he thinks it isn’t over”.

Let me reiterate - “he thinks”.

He condemns, he vilifies, he criticises, he attacks, because “he thinks”!?



“We are going back to the core, back to pure Islam” - The Crown Prince.

Extremism isn’t Islam.
Fanaticism isn’t Islam.
Zealotry isn’t Islam.

The reforms carried out in Saudi Arabia do not violate core Islamic principles, they abide by them.



The Crown Prince’s vision isn’t just about Saudi Arabia’s future, it’s also about its past.

The reforms instituted will propel the Kingdom forward while placing an emphasis on our identity.

We Saudis require no interference, we have MBS, and that is enough 🇸🇦


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