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Mar 3, 2022, 15 tweets

11 guides to find a perfect job.

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1/ Set Your Goal

Ask yourself what you truly desire and devise a strategy for achieving it.


2/ Setup Your Linkedin Profile

Showcase all of your abilities and knowledge.

Standing out from the crowd.


3/ Craft your Resume

Understand what you should and should not put in your resume

Make it stands out from the crowd.


4/ Send cold emails

Speak to people in the business to find out where your abilities can be useful.


5/ Interview

Learn how to lead a potential employer through your resume without putting them to sleep.


6/ Phone Interview

Overcome your anxiety about the dreaded phone interview.


7/ Ask Interviewer Questions

Prepare yourself for the moment when the interviewer hands over the reins of the meeting to you.


8/ Interview for introverts

Asking questions is a good way to show that you're interested.

It can also help you deal with any nerves you might have about getting interviewed.


9/ Follow up

Following up by email after an interview is a quick and easy approach to keep top of mind with the hiring manager.


10/ Negotiate Salary

When negotiating pay, develop the ability to insist on being compensated fairly,

without coming across as demanding.


11/ Look Beyond Salary

In your job hunt, what other considerations should you keep in mind besides money?


12/ Those were 11 guides to help you prepare and land a perfect job.

If you enjoyed reading it then consider Following me @VibhorChandel for more threads on:

-Leadership Tricks & Mysteries
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-Building High Performing Teams.

13/ Subscribe to my YouTube Channel


14/ Here's the last thread I wrote:

How Elon spots a liar during an interview.


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