Mary Margaret Olohan Profile picture
White House Correspondent @realdailywire. Catholic. Author.

Mar 3, 2022, 7 tweets

LAST NIGHT: black clad protestors swarmed outside an event at the University of North Texas featuring Jeff Younger, the father of a child at the center of national controversy over transitioning children.

Here's video footage from @kelly_neidert, a current member of the University of North Texas chapter of Young Conservatives of Texas who formerly served as the chapter's president, showing police escorting her from the building as protestors scream outside.

Kelly and a police officer took refuge in a janitor’s closet, she tells @realDailyWire. She could hear people running in the hallway and one person reportedly tried the door handle.

“At that point they did not know where I was, they just knew I was in the building,” she says.

Here’s the moment Kelly finally got into a police car. Watch how the protestors react when they realize she’s getting away

Here's @realDailyWire's report:

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Scared For My Life’: Police Hide Texas Student In Closet From Black-Clad Mob Amidst Trans Directive Outrage…

Here's just a few of the violent threats that Kelly has received:

Unclear exactly who was protesting last night, but here's a good guess:

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