Stellabelle 👉🏽 Gigatura Profile picture

Mar 3, 2022, 8 tweets

🔥 International Women’s Day is on March 8 and Im planning to write about Leonor Fini, a surrealist who inspired me but is forgotten.

She along w/ many great artists have been erased from history. Join me and @bronwyn_nft Sat. at 2 PM CST for a Spaces about this topic

Here’s her painting and below is my derivative of this (owner: @ModeratsArt )


Join me and @bronwyn_nft on Saturday:…

Also i made a Leonor Fini @cryptostellas :…

ripped clothes symbolized Leonor’s unconventional sex life… she didn’t believe in marriage and often live with two men… in her words “ one man more as a friend and one more as a lover”

white glove and scorpion often symbolizes surrealists

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