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I found myself in a strange town...

Mar 3, 2022, 10 tweets

Cardiff submit 2021 accounts. Revenue up as more matches played than in previous season. Day to day losses halved to £12m although player sale profits much lower than before.

Squad book value halved to about £10m, Cardiff owe creditors £114m and have total losses over the years of £199m.

Cardiff had owner investment from loans of £40m in 2020/21.

Broadcast revenue up £11.5m due to more matches played as fewer postponements due to covid. Broadcast income 88% of total. Cardiff claimed furlough of £398k. Player transfer writeoffs of over £3m in year.

Cardiff wages slightly down. Ave weekly wage £15,500

Highest paid director pay ⬇️ to £413k

Cardiff signed players for £5.2m and had sales of £3m

Cardiff were owed over £6m by other clubs for transfer fee instalments and owed about £93m to lenders, most of which is from shareholders and directors

Cardiff have potential add on transfers to other clubs of over £5m. Club made reference to Emiliano Sala transfer dispute but confident of winning case.

Since the year end Cardiff has borrowed a further £22m at interest rates up to 9%.

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