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Mar 4, 2022, 7 tweets

It’s time to fondly remember Shane Warne’s greatness.

Nothing more great than his ‘Ball of the century’

A quick historical look back of that great delivery

It’s 1993. Australia is visiting England for the Ashes. Warne is just a 11 test old newbie….

First test at Old Trafford. A pitch that generally supports spin. Even England played 2 spinners. But Australia went with a full seam attack with just the newbie spinner Warne in the team. Still an era where pace was ace.

England won the toss and bowled first. Aus made 289..

In reply England started well. Gooch and Mike Gatting at the crease. Gatting was well known as a great player of spin. But the Aussie captain Allan Border brought on Warne

Warne started with those lazy few steps and rolled his arm over ..

The ball started straight down the pitch but rapidly drifted to the right as seen in replays moving several inches outside the leg stump

Gatting brought his left leg forward as a typical defense to rebound the ball

However the ball fell on a footmark & the friction increased..

Causing it to turn far more than expected and pass Gatting to hit the top of off stump. Gatting stared at the pitch for several seconds.

Gatting in shock and Healy I’m surprised celebration became an iconic photo across the world..

The wicket was start of the many things.. Australia won the match as Warne picked 8 wickets in the game.. And then went on to win the Ashes 4-1 with Warne being the man of the series.

A legend was born.

It kickstarted the dominance of Australia through the next 2 decades with Warne being the prime architect behind it

And the cricket world which looked Upto pace for Spectacles slowly fell into the magic of Warne’s loopy leg spin

Thanks for the great memories. Farewell legend🙏🏻

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