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Mar 5, 2022, 9 tweets

Best Apps for investing in Unit TRUSTS & BONDS

1. @cashletapp
It's Convenient, Secure & Easy to use. You can start with as little as KES 500 with 8-10% interest rates. Highly recommended✌️.Here’s a direct link to download it from Play Store 👉…

First, what's UNIT TRUST (UT)?

.@cashletapp will equally allow you to invest in Multiple CMA Regulated Money Market Funds as well as help you build a consistent saving & investing pattern.

A Money Market Fund is a type of a Unit TRUST. It's the least risky fund. You will never lose your invested capital👏🙌🔥

Invests in interest-bearing assets like fixed deposits, treasury bills, short bonds and so on. A good example 👉 ICEA Lion Digitrust Fund!!!

ICEA Lion Money Market Fund(Digitrust) is now available on the @cashletapp👏🎉🎊🙌

Sign up for FREE today to experience this & more other benefits of using the App.

Here’s a direct link to download……

So, it's very beneficial Investing in UNIT TRUSTS on @cashletapp than keeping your money in a bank account. Benefits👇
~ Earning attractive interest rates
~ Impact of compounding will enable your money to grow significantly…

Btw, It's very easy to sign up & create an account on @cashletapp. Deposit funds into your goals in 4 simple steps so that you can start to earn interest, grow you money & enjoy the benefits🎉🙌🔥🎊…

For a better understanding of the @cashletapp, Read this review by @DicksonOtieno👇

"Cashlet App Explained; How it works, and everything to expect"… via @TechishKenya

.@cashletapp and its Mission to empower 5 Million Kenyans to Digitally Invest & Save🙌… via @techweez

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