Ali Abdaal Profile picture
👨‍⚕️ Doctor-turned-Entrepreneur + Productivity Expert + YouTuber (5M Subs) ✍️ I share evidence-based strategies and tools to help you build a life you love 🚀

Mar 5, 2022, 12 tweets

We've had amazing stories come out of PTYA, here's what some of our students had to say about the course :)

First up @david_perell

Tech entrepreneur @johncoogan would average 100 views on his videos

Since taking PTYA he's grown to 140k subs and has had multiple videos go viral 🤯

You may recognise Charlie from Charisma on Command, a channel with 5 million subs 🚀

Charlie's hosting two guest workshops in Cohort 5 focusing on building systems and teaching us how he's built a business from his channel 💰

Learning and development expert Andrew Barry (@Bazzaruto) helped us with our very first cohorts

Andrew's since established himself as an industry leader with a great presence across socials 😃

Clara Carmona is a junior doctor in the UK who defines being a Part-Time YouTuber 💪

Clara joined us in Cohort 1 and has since grown her channel from 600 subs to almost 100,000 📈

Author of the Unfair Advantage Hasan Kubba (@StartupHasan) was new to filming videos

Now he's a regular behind the camera as he enjoys his content creation journey 🤳

We loved having @LubaYudasina in PTYA...

Luba came into the course with 90,000+ subscribers looking to take the next steps of growth for her channel 👣

Cam Houser (@cahouser) is a master teacher who knows the power of video and what it takes to have a strong camera presence 🎥

Thanks Cam for the kind words :)

Ethan Chlebowski (@EthanChleb) is a cooking content creator who grew his channel to 400k subscribers in 2.5 years 🧑‍🍳

He's a full-time creator approaching 1 million subs who learned about building systems and monetisation 👇

Since selling his business, @petematheson wanted to start a new venture: a YouTube channel about tech

"Comparing running my IT Business with almost 80% overheads to a YouTube and Coaching business with barely 20% overheads is a game-changer." 💬

Executive member @CharlesWeill credits the group coaching calls as his main reason for enjoying the course 📞

This cohort we also have an exclusive Exec-only Discord channel for rapid access to our team 🤝

If you'd like to be our next success story, check out the next cohort of PTYA :)

Enrolment closes this Monday 16:00 GMT and we're down to our last 150 places 🚨👇

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