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Humanitarian -Development- Peace Nexus PROLAW Scholar @loyolalaw| #Youthies4Dev|#D4Ag |#ICT4D| #RuleofLAW|#HDPnexus |Tweets are my own!

Mar 6, 2022, 14 tweets

1.The Nat Land Policy Review Meetings successfully concluded in Bulawayo with active participation from KEY stakeholders who administer Land related matters in their day to day lives i.e our esteemed Traditional Leaders & Provincial Ministers of State @Land #zimlandpolicy

2. As echoed by the @faosfsafrica SRC Dr. @PatriceTalla in his remarks, " no holds barred
discussion on the subject were had,mindful that, a Comprehensive Nat Land policy will guide work in the country & the Government for a long time" #zimlandpolicy @VPHaritatos @basera_john

3. Participant after participant reiterated that, This was an opportunity to Present & Review the draft policy, NOT a platform to Endorse. The Traditional Leaders and Ministers of state were grateful for the opportunity and openly shared the views and concerns. #zimlandpolicy

4."Additional Inputs received from the esteemed Traditional Leaders & Ministers of State will be taken on board, further consultations will be conducted where & when necessary towards the finalization of the land policy in Zimbabwe." @MoLAFWRR_Zim Hon. Dep Minister Karoro

5. Grateful for the opportunity to review the draft nat land policy, here are Some of the KEY concerns raised by the Provincial Ministers:
•Opportunity permitting add consultations would be appreciated
•Application of tech in land administration and management shld be a must.

6. The Hon Ministers added:
•The land Policy should be futuristic
•There is need to revisit land committees
•A national land use plan is long overdue
•Need to address land tenure issues regarding to land & property rights for improved land governance

7. Highlights from the discussions with the esteemed Traditional Leaders
•The Draft policy is life & death of chieftainship (traditional leadership)
•The review process is an opportunity to shape the future of land admin in Zimbabwe
#zimlandpolicy @ndakaripa @ProsperBMatondi

8. Hon, Chief F. Charumbira added, "There is need to recognize Traditional leaders in all land matters as custodians of the land “including allocation”
•There is need of a pillar on cultural rights and heritage as it relates to land policy

9. The indisputable role of Traditional leaders in land management could not be over emphasized! Tinotenda Madzimambo edu nekuvheneka zvineudzamu gwaro richabetsera Zimbabwe munerenhasi neramangwana.#zimlandpolicy @VPHaritatos @basera_john @faosfsafrica

11. The @MoLAFWRR_Zim PS rep* appreciated the earnest effort & unity of purpose exhibited throughout the review meetings “days filled with so much discussion & exchanges towards an all-encompassing Nat land Policy in Zim” @basera_john @VPHaritatos @DonaldTchidoori @ConniePepukai

12. . Concluding remarks from @MoLAFWRR_Zim all were reminded, the process remains open & participatory “Coming together is a beginning.Keeping together is progress.Working together is success. Our coming together here has shown our willingness to work together" #zimlandpolicy

It was a blast! But the work continues,
@ProfMandiRukuni @ndakaripa @MaminiminiObert @ConniePepukai @MarichoMedia @ChronicleZim

Summary: The 2 day all engaging discussions on the Draft Nat Land Policy Review meetings in Byo…

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