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Mar 6, 2022, 9 tweets

Former Silver Spoons child actor Ricky Schroder has joined the freedom convoy and warned the government:

“Unless you’re ready to, I guess, kill us all, you better change your minds because we’re not going to live as slaves.”

Many months ago, Ricky Schroder was denied entry into a Costco because of no mask. He’s now ready to give up his life because of it.

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While traveling with the freedom convoy, maskless Ricky Schroder was denied entry into the Dwight D. Eisenhower museum and called the security guard a “Nazi” for enforcing “evil federal government” mask rules.

Ricky Schroder telling the security guard, “you don’t know God” because he asked him to wear a mask is awful.

And what’s going on with his jacket shoulder?

Ricky Schroder is in DC now awaiting the freedom convoy. Schroder streamed the Capitol Building and then declared:

“We want freedom. Free. Our bodies are our own. We own this. We get to decide what goes in and what goes out. Understood?”

Ricky Schroder wants those who issued mandates to “plead for forgiveness.”

Recent Ricky Schroder post: “Could the ‘Deep State’ be from ‘Deep Space’? If so, it explains a lot.”

The right likes to find the highest outlier price gouging gas stations and post them like it is the rule, not the exception.

Ricky Schroder did that too while calling Leonardo DiCaprio a “limp dicked mammas boy” and a “woke environmental …mouthpiece.”

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