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Mar 6, 2022, 10 tweets

Manufacture of consent.
Making of an "Irpen attack on fleeing refugees" 5 March 2022

Thread Irpen shelling today.
1. The claim of shelling appears first at 10:20 on the Tweeter account of Illia Ponomarenko.

2. The press arrives.
a. No shelling is seen or heard.
b. Pay attention to the side civilians are moving. At first, the opposite then adjacent.

3. Video
a. Refugee flow diverted to the opposite side.
b. Journalists took cover in a building.
c. The person looks straight, sees a projectile (RPG!?) coming at him, and instinctively moves back.
d. After the first hit, everyone ignores the need for cover.

4. Here are some pictures of the victims. 18+
a. Notice militia standing straight
b. Refugees still work on the "dangerous" side of the road without anyone diverting them.

5. Let's check the location now.
a. In the case of RPG the fire could only come from a bridge or highway. (most probable)
b. In the case of a mortar coming from the north it makes sense for refugees to move on the northern side for cover.

6. Later video.
a. A person shows a place of impact and identifies it as such.
b. He shows a "burning church", but we see it's not a church, but a pile of wood set on fire.
c. We see no other places of impact. No other shelling.

7. Soon after all is finished Ukraine's military is back.
a. Sitting in a group (no dispersion measures to limit the casualties in a case of mortar fire.)
b. Vehicle parked at open parking, no need for cover.

8. Finally we get a nice New York Times cover blaming Russia for shelling corridors. And one more reason for a no-fly zone.

Make your conclusions about how ready are Ukrainian puppet masters to sacrifice civilians.

Chomsky called it "The manufacturer of consent"

Control map on that day
a. The place was under Ukrainian control, no mortars came before, how could TV crew know in advance there would be a mortar fire on evacuation corridor?
b. If it was an RPG it definitely came from Ukraine's side.

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