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Mar 7, 2022, 5 tweets

Came across this article, written September 2001 & published in the NY Times. Seems extremely relevant, especially given that our media organizations are now trying to brainwash people into believing we, the US, don’t operate bioweapon labs globally. It’s a “QAnon conspiracy”.

2/: Not surprising, NYT’s website deleted the article. We saw this happen, repeatedly, in the beginning & middle parts of the “pandemic”. Any news article or scientific study published prior to COVID, and that didn’t fit the narrative, was deleted.

Good thing this was archived.

3/ It’s worth noting that Russia (Putin) has been trying, unsuccessfully, for years to get our attention regarding this, very real, danger.

Why is it nearly impossible to find this information from US media organizations? Why is it reported in India, China, Russia, but not here?

4/ Of course, that’s a rhetorical question. Anyone with at least half of a functioning brain can tell you that our media organizations are nothing but propaganda puppets for our corrupt government & its agencies.

We have Obama to thank for that, legalizing propaganda in 2012.

5/ Remember this when a media outlet, especially @nytimes @washingtonpost @CNN @FoxNews @CBSNews @ABC @NBCNews @TIME and its local affiliates, tell you their “experts” fact checked it and “(insert topic here) is a conspiracy theory”.

It’s extremely dangerous to our democracy.

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